2020 Scholarship Recipients


Brianna Lindsay

You don’t have to be great to start, you have to start to be great.
- Zig Ziglar

I was born and raised in Jamaica until the end of 2018 when I migrated to New York with my family. My culture is a big part of me, leaving everything I knew to start over was difficult but necessary, it's led to and is still leading to self-growth and discovery.

There was a time I felt intimidated when asked ‘How are you a leader?’ because I thought it meant “How many ways have you been in charge?” but I’ve learned to redefine the meaning. A leader is someone who has struggled but never allowed struggle to define them, someone who sets an example for others. I’ve done my share of dancing with struggle but I pride myself in never allowing it to lead. Of my two siblings and me, my parents have always said I have the biggest ‘go-getter’ attitude because I always find myself doing something to further myself despite circumstances.

Throughout high school, I’ve never been afraid to raise my hand in a class, join in on a discussion, or ask for help.  I loved being an officer in my school’s debate club. A small title branding a presence that spoke for itself, I helped run the club alongside the president and other executives. My first summer in America, I couldn’t get a job but I refused to stay home idly so after doing some babysitting for my aunt, I volunteered at a nearby care center and that experience is one I’m extremely fond of because it gave me insight into the lives of others making me more appreciative of my own. I’ve led in my various friend groups, as the 'motherly' one who remained loving yet held them accountable. I’ve also held myself accountable when I slip up and have never been afraid to admit that I’m at fault.

At Wheaton College, I plan to keep the momentum going, seeking opportunities, and setting an example for others. While working on campus, I plan to major in Business, minor in psychology, and join different clubs that give me a chance to get to know others from different backgrounds. The culture shock will be a struggle but one I will overcome. I want to step out of my comfort zone and make my time memorable while remaining true to myself. This scholarship will help me start on my path to greatness by alleviating some of the financial burdens on my parents who are still not fully settled in this country but doing their best to provide for my siblings and me. With the HESUS Fund scholarship I would use half to take care of buying textbooks and other school supplies and put the other half towards loans, which is the least I can do with all my parents have done for me.


Genesis Familia

I was not a victim but a survivor of sexual assault and rape. Although it took years of tears and wandering through a pessimistic world, I slowly became a strong independent woman. I am proof that survivors are strong and amazing people that have pierced through the pain for countless days and nights. Anyone who has ever dealt with horrific and traumatic experiences must be heard. I aim to focus my talents to help lead other survivors to a positive place. I am proud that I will be attending Franklin and Marshall College as a Posse Scholar, and will use my time there to continuously support people of all shapes, colors and beliefs.

            My past is the beacon for my future. I lead a women’s activism club in my high school called Pink Ladies, and that is where I lead other incredibly strong women every Wednesday. Any student who identifies as a female is welcomed into discussions in which we address women’s issues and women’s opportunities. Each year we introduce ourselves with our stories and why we feel that women’s activism is essential. I am open about my story and how I overcame my emotional battles. I am proud that through Pink Ladies I have been able to support four beautiful and amazing young ladies out of depressive states and even suicidal thoughts that resulted from sexual assault. I know how hard it is to see light in a tunnel that seems pitch black. Although I am obviously not a licensed professional, I use my personal experience to help them understand that they do not have to be victims - ever. I plan to go on a medical psychology path for my career so I will have the professional training to help those going through the trauma and stress to reach that point where self-esteem begins to replace victimhood.

            The HESUS Fund Scholarship would not only allow me to obtain a sense of financial stability in college, but it would also allow me to create a project where I actively support the Me Too movement and other victims of sexual assault. In college I would like to create another Pink Ladies club. With the money granted from the HESUS Scholarship, I would be able to create flyers, invitations, and shirts to raise awareness. On the day I survived, I wore a simple T-Shirt and overalls. I am also proof that rape does not occur because of what someone is wearing. No one should be a victim of a cruel action because of their fashion choices. I want to be able to create and thrift clothes that are not only environmentally friendly but inspire women to wear what they want and not fear wearing it. With the HESUS Fund I can begin to organize this new club on campus that does not exist yet, and inspire and protect women just like it did in my high school.


Christopher Maruffi

I’ve always believed that to be a leader in this world, I must defeat any signs of adversity in order to continue being beneficial to those around me. My life has been filled with consistent changing of homes, important people leaving or dying, and a small support group to assist me on my path to success. Although, through all the constant conflict, I’ve managed to use my experiences to help me understand the many perspectives of our world. I’ve lived with my family in a one-bedroom apartment and a three-story house and I’m glad to say that my morals and mission have never wavered.

Community service has always awarded me a great sensation of goodness and I cherish the feeling of making the world a better place. Fortunately, my high school offers various service trips and I’ve taken advantage of their opportunities. Whether it was doing farm work in Virginia, building a house in Tennessee, or providing hurricane relief in Puerto Rico, I’ve always come home with a bigger heart and that wondrous sensational feeling. My favorite service project was working at a preschool in Staten Island to interact and teach toddlers. Knowing that I’ve made even the slightest difference and appeared as a role model to them brings me great joy. Volunteer work is something I love to encourage others to join and I’m already longing to see the opportunities that Vanderbilt has to offer.

My mother has reiterated to me millions of times that getting the best education possible is essential to my life. She always enrolled me in the best school I could attend regardless of the expenses. However, this lead to me worrying about being thrown out of high school and being unable to graduate from middle school due to our finances. I dislike the thought that my tuition has caused the majority of arguing within my family. Although, as I said in the beginning, I like to use the adversity I defeat as inspiration and fuel to keep driving forward. I couldn’t bear the thought of bringing more tuition trouble to my loved ones and have strived since freshman year to go to college without any expenses. Every single penny counts towards contributing to my success, decreasing family conflict, and my ultimate goal of making my mother proud. The $1000 award will undoubtedly help my family financially and ensure that I go through this year with fewer worries.

My first year at Vanderbilt University will be filled with tons of new activities and opportunities to embrace. My goal is to study communications in order to write articles that change the world or strive to be employed in the government and bring my knowledge of perspectives to make the world a better place. Service will absolutely be on my schedule because of its consistent contribution to my happiness. I also hope to join the Rugby Club and make such a difference during my Vanderbilt career that I’m remembered for my work ethic and accomplishments.