Welcome To The HESUS Fund Website

Dear Friends:

Welcome to the HESUS Fund web site. The site is designed to be a helpful resource for those who wish to learn more about us.

The HESUS Fund Inc. was established in 1997 as a direct outgrowth of longstanding and continuing concerns of several African-American attorneys, businessmen and community leaders. Each of these individuals recognized the educational opportunities available to them in their younger years as indispensable components of their future professional success.

Throughout its history, the HESUS Fund has impacted the lives of dozens of young aspiring people of color just by asking them to craft a short but thoughtful essay detailing their goals at college, their community activities, how they see themselves and others as leaders, and how the scholarship award will assist them in achieving their goals. 

Today, as many new, seemingly unsolvable problems trouble our world, we need leaders like the ones the HESUS Fund has found throughout the years to lend their voices to the solution.

Your support of the HESUS Fund (whether donating or volunteering) means more opportunities for talented young people of color as well as encouraging the development of future leaders. It also means adding bright minds and strong new voices to conversations in communities struggling with some of the pressing social issues of our day. Each contribution is an investment not just in one young individual’s life, but in a future we can all share.

In addition to your financial support we need YOU to remain engaged in this conversation by adding your voice to our cause by connecting us with a community, school, faith-based organization or other opportunity gate-keeper that we can work with to further expand the reach of what assistance we can offer.

Make no mistake, we face big issues and challenges, but we also have big ideas, passionate supporters like you, and a growing throng of bright young leaders. I hope you are as excited as we are about taking this effort to another level, as none of this is possible without your ongoing support and participation. Please join us in making a difference with a tax-deductible donation to support our work of “Lifting one another when we're down, deflating egos when we’re up!” It is more needed than ever.

Kervin Simms/Founder